Goals and Targets


We continually evaluate our sustainability goals and our performance toward them. We made progress toward all our goals in 2023, and we set more ambitious targets related to waste, renewable electricity and training hours.

Environment Goals


REDUCE energy consumed per U.S. dollar of operating revenue by 15% by 2024 (compared to our 2021 baseline).


REPORT on Scope 3 emissions and establish and announce a science-based target (SBT) for Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 2023.

CONTINUED reporting scope 3 emissions. Click here for information on our SBT progress.


REPORT the emissions intensity of air pollutants (NOx, SOx, VOC, PM and HAP) based on fiscal year revenue annually beginning in 2022.


MAINTAIN less than 1% of waste directed to disposal as hazardous waste.

Achieved in 2023: Surpassed goal at 0.68% hazardous waste


REDUCE Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions intensity by 50% by 2030 (compared to our 2021 baseline).


REDUCE NOx air emissions intensity per U.S. dollar of operating revenue by 15% by 2025 (compared to our 2022 baseline).


SOURCE at least 25% of our electricity from renewable sources by 2030.


REDUCE waste disposed to landfill by 2% annually. 

Health and Safety Goals


REDUCE Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) by 10% in 2023 (compared to our 2022 baseline).

Achieved in 2023: Surpassed goal at 43.8%

People Goals


MAINTAIN 80% engagement survey response rate annually.

Achieved in 2023: Surpassed goal at 94%


OFFER associates 1% of their annual company time to volunteer annually.


EXCEED the industry average Associate Inclusion Index score annually. 

Achieved in 2023: Surpassed goal at 5% over industry average


DISCLOSE associate diversity metrics annually.

18 Hours

PROVIDE 18 hours of training per associate by 2025. 

Product Goals

30 Billion

MAINTAIN water savings of at least 30 billion gallons through the use of our products annually.

Achieved in 2023: Surpassed goal at 31 billion


INCREASE revenue derived from products with sustainable attributes to 75% by 2024. 

Achieved in 2023: Surpassed goal at 86%

$90 Million

INVEST a total of $90 million by 2025 in engineering and R&D to enhance the sustainable aspects of our products.

15 Billion

PREVENT the use of at least 15 billion single-use plastic bottles annually through consumer use of our drinking water products. 

Achieved in 2023: Surpassed goal at 17.8B

Community Goals

$5 Million

REACH $5 million in philanthropic giving by 2024. 

Achieved in 2023: Surpassed goal with $9.7M in total philanthropic giving

Governance and Ethics Goals


TRAIN 100% of associates on the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics annually. 


ACHIEVE 30% female representation on the Board of Directors by 2024. 


REACH 8% of spending with diverse businesses by 2025.