We show our commitment through the thoughtful management of water use in our operations and by meaningful engagement within the communities in which we do business. We are industry leaders in helping our customers address water scarcity issues through water conservation, and we apply the same focus to our own operations.
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We seek to continuously improve our ability to track and manage our water withdrawal and discharge and to reduce our overall water consumption. We review water data by facility annually to achieve a granular understanding of our water use, including domestic use, irrigation, wash and rinse tanks, coolant use and product testing. These reviews help us determine which improvements at our facilities could have the greatest impact on our water consumption and use. In addition, they help examine potential tradeoffs related to reductions in water use. While water withdrawn and discharge decreased from 2023 to 2024, total water consumed increased due to more granular tracking of water used for irrigation.
We achieved a significant milestone in 2024 when we joined the Water Council’s WAVE program and we will be working to receive third party verification of our water data in the coming year. We also calculated the number of facilities that are reusing or recycling water in at least one of their processes for the first time in 2024. Our manufacturing processes use recycled water in a variety of ways, including recirculating it in our wash tanks and product testing stands.
We regularly identify volunteer water cleanup efforts that aid in the protection, preservation and restoration of major rivers and their watersheds. In 2024, one of these volunteer events was offered through the nonprofit organization, Living Lands & Waters, where 20 of our associates picked up waste in the Des Plaines River in Channahon, IL for 120 hours. The team collected approximately 2,740 pounds of waste from the watershed, which included 46 bags of trash. These efforts help support the preservation of waterways in the communities where we live and work.
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