Earning Recognition as a Responsible Company

As a sustainably inspired company, we work every day to make responsible choices that help us lead the way on our environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitments.

As an inherently ESG-focused company, we’re proud that our sustainability efforts continue to be recognized. For the third consecutive year, Newsweek has named Zurn Elkay one of America’s Most Responsible Companies.

Our focus, however, is our purpose: Clean water, the most important natural resource on earth. To continue advancing our sustainability achievements, we’ve continued to build on our comprehensive ESG strategy under a strong governance and oversight program. By embedding ESG considerations into our annual strategic planning process, we’ve tied our sustainability goals directly to our company’s success. We are pleased to share this report with you to demonstrate how Zurn Elkay remains Sustainably Inspired—and accountable to all our stakeholders.

America’s Most Responsible Companies list focuses on a holistic view of corporate responsibility that considers all three pillars of ESG: environment, social and corporate governance. Newsweek partnered with global research and data firm Statista to evaluate the top 2,000 U.S.-based public companies by revenue on key corporate responsibility indicators including: environmental engagement, leadership diversity, philanthropy and engagement, disclosure and transparency, and economic performance, among other factors. Statista also conducted a survey of more than 13,000 U.S. residents about their perception of company activities related to corporate responsibility.